Is It Worth It to Remove Wisdom Teeth and Get Braces?

Metal braces or traditional braces are one of the most common orthodontics treatments; however, there are many myths and lies around them. People tend to mix their experiences with personal beliefs that are often misleading.
In this case, you should take your doubts and worries to an expert, dentist, and orthodontist. Only your doctors should answer specific questions about orthodontic appliances, dental treatments, and dental care.
Are you willing to submit yourself to losing one or more of your teeth to have the perfect smile of your dreams? You probably are. It’s OK; your denture won’t stop working because your dentist took out a tooth.
That is the answer to the question; it is up to you to decide if the dental treatment is worth it. Again, it can be beneficial for you.
Traditional braces correct misalignments, crooked teeth, overbites, and underbites. All of these can result in oral health problems for you, such as difficulty in cleaning your mouth and brushing your teeth, mandible and palate problems, pain, et cetera.
So, when you must go through an orthodontic procedure to treat these issues, we can say that it is worth the effort.
Why Are Teeth Extractions Needed?
That being said, if your orthodontist suggests tooth extractions, it is probably justified and beneficial to your oral health. However, the final word on the matter has to be yours.
In some patients, teeth extraction is needed to move forward with an orthodontic procedure like getting metal brackets. We, adults, usually have the same number of teeth by the age of twenty-one. But each and every one of our mouths is different, unique. We all also have different goals regarding our smiles and dental care.
These particularities define the treatment plan for us. If you want to have a straight smile, you will need orthodontic treatment at some point, whether it is retainers or metal braces. For the latter, sometimes -not always- teeth extractions are required.
Can Wisdom Teeth Shift Teeth?
Wisdom teeth get half the myths there are regarding dentures, orthodontics, and oral health. Starting with their name. People call them wisdom teeth because they usually erupt during your twenties or later teen years. So, they are associated with the wisdom you get with older age.
Their actual name is third molars. Another myth about wisdom teeth is that they can negatively affect the appearance of straight teeth.
This is not necessarily true. Of course, getting 4 new molars can change the distribution of your teeth, but that doesn’t mean that you get automatically crowded teeth, for example.
Some people have more space than others in their mouths. Some people have a full set of wisdom teeth; some only have 2 of them. Sometimes wisdom teeth erupt amicably and find perfect placement in your palate.
But, most of the time, the third molars come out inwards or crooked. When this happens, they become a problem of hygiene or esthetic.
Just remember that wisdom teeth are not responsible for crowded teeth. The placement they find is decisive in this matter. Many people get their third molars without trouble and pull straight dentures.
Should I Get Braces Before or After My Wisdom Teeth?
Getting orthodontic treatment in Lafayette like metal braces usually means a great expense and effort, which is why it’s natural to want to be sure about the results and hope they are long-term.
As we said, wisdom teeth do not cause crowded teeth (it’s far more complicated than that), but there is no way to know whether the molars will come out straight or crooked or when they will come out at all.
A way to be sure that your third molars won’t affect the appearance of your smile is to have them extracted before they have completely erupted. Many orthodontists and dental experts recommend this, although many suggest waiting instead.
X-rays of your teeth, palate, and mouth let your orthodontist know if there are wisdom teeth to be worried about. With this diagnosis, you can choose to get a quick surgery and remove them or to keep them and find out later if they need to be taken out.
Though none of this is strictly necessary to begin a treatment plan, it’s recommendable.
Can an Orthodontist Practice Wisdom Teeth Removal?
The answer is yes, in general. Third molars have a different rate of growth than the rest of your teeth; they can be more unpredictable when not monitored regularly. If your dental treatment plan includes wisdom teeth extraction, you should know there are different methods.
The correct method for you will depend on your case. When molars are already on their way out, it is easier to pull them out, so your dentist may be able to extract the teeth right in the dental office.
But when molars are deeply rooted, it can mean a more complicated procedure, so you should visit a Lafayette oral surgeon instead. Oral surgeons can apply sedation while your dentist works with medication for local numbing.
Can I Get Wisdom Teeth Removed While Having Braces?
Of course. Wisdom teeth are just teeth, regular molars. There is no need to wait to finish your braces treatment to remove them. This procedure shouldn’t affect the rest of your teeth or the length of your treatment plan.